[top drive accessories] bearing distance ring 9702020308 horizontal drainage multistage pump engineering cast iron seali
  • [top drive accessories] bearing distance ring 9702020308 horizontal drainage multistage pump engineering cast iron seali
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[top drive accessories] bearing distance ring 9702020308 horizontal drainage multistage pump engineering cast iron seali


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1) The coordination of rolling bearing with axial and radial load is H7 / js6.
(2) Rolling bearing bearing with radial load is H7 / k6.
(3) The outer ring of the rolling bearing and the inner wall of the bearing box are Js7 / h6.
(4) For the pump with the rolling bearing, the axial clearance of the outer ring of the rolling bearing shall be left with 0.02~0.06mm.
(5) When rolling bearing, the temperature of hot loading shall not exceed 100℃, and flame heating is strictly prohibited.
(6) The rolling body and oil and slide surface of the rolling bearing should be free of corrosion, scars and spots, and smooth contact without noise.Multi-stage centrifugal pump rolling bearing

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